FINALLY: A fast and easy way to keep resolutions... control your weight...dramatically improve your health and vitality...and replace bad habits that hold you back with good ones that make life easy.
​~Bill Harris

Who could you become if... could easily make the decisions - without 
stress, strain, or self doubt - that create
strength, radiant health, and an easier life?

Innovative scientific discoveries make
adopting a healthy lifestyle easy!

Monday morning, 9:14 am, Beaverton, Oregon

Dear friend,

Have you ever resolved to lose weight, exercise regularly, cut back on unhealthy foods, perhaps even quit smoking or drinking...

...only to find your motivation and resolve evaporating
at the first setback or temptation?

Do you want to take a new step in your life, start a business, go back to school, learn a skill, write that book…

...but you find yourself not following through?

Believe me, I’ve been there. In past years I’ve thrown in the towel on “new beginnings” at least twenty times.

At first I’d be excited and determined to be like the people I knew or read about who had more energy, were more clear minded, were in charge of their mind and body…

...and got the results they wanted.

Then, after several sincere attempts turned to failure, a primal desire to avoid disappointment (again) became much stronger than any diminishing faith that I might actually change my ways.

And, in all these failed attempts,
There’s one thing I discovered:

I wasn’t alone:

In fact, an incredible 98% of those who try to change to a healthier diet, add regular exercise to their lifestyle, or change bad and unhealthy habits… They quit almost as soon
as they start – just as I did.

Yet we now know more about how to
change – and, what changes to make –
than at any other time in human history!

Those who do make these changes…

  • And are able to craft the life they want
  • Have better health & more energy
  • Make more money
  • Are more creative
  • Live longer

I wanted to be one of them. Badly. I was 38 pounds overweight, I lived on sugar and other unhealthy foods, I had a great track record of blowing off the exercise I promised I’d do, and I rarely…

…finished what I started.

So here’s the real question we need to ask:

Why do ONLY 1 in 50 people succeed? What’s the difference between those who master their lives and those who only wish they could?

And, of course, how can you achieve this mastery?

Here's what I eventually learned
(based on amazing new research):

What really matters is which part of your brain is in charge of your thinking and your behavior.

Contrary to what you’ve been told, the changes you want to make aren’t about “willpower” or summoning huge amounts of motivation.

And they aren’t about how much “character” or “grit” you have.

No. The changes you want – the changes that really make a difference – come from two things you might never have thought of:

  • Enhancing a part of your brain that EASILY lets you make the positive changes
    you want

  • Calming another part of your brain that – when overactive – actually encourages you to do whatever the hell you feel like in the moment (instead of what will get you the results you want)

  • Brain scans of make-it-happen people – those who make great decisions, follow through on resolutions or projects, and are in control of their lives – reveal a prefrontal cortex (PFC) that is strong and capable.

    Your PFC is your brain’s executive controller. When your PFC is strong and in charge, you automatically exhibit the qualities that lead to success and self-regulation:

  • Motivation and Confidence
  • Persistence and Follow-Through
  • Greater Resilience when things don’t work out
  • Great Decision-Making

  • In successful people the second important part of your brain – your limbic system – is calm. Your limbic system is your emotional brain. If left in charge...

    1. You won’t see (or even care about) long-term consequences

    2. You’ll be enticed by the closest “bright shiny object,” whether it’s something to buy or eat, or a time-wasting activity

    3. And you’ll approach making changes, or following through on projects, with a fear response (your limbic system is always scanning for danger)

    So, how do you make these brain changes? How do you enhance your prefrontal cortex and calm your limbic system? And, does it involve a lot of time and hard work
    (or a lot of money)?

    I’m happy to say that making these changes in your brain is relatively easy. And, it isn’t hard work, and the cost is almost nothing. Literally pennies a day. 

    And, it can happen relatively quickly.

    Here’s why:

    We live in an age of technological marvels. What was once difficult, impossible, or time-consuming is now often accomplished… a moment.

    • Travel that used to take months now takes a few hours

    • Communication anywhere in the world is nearly instantaneous

    • Technology-driven medical marvels save countless lives

    • What was once drudgery (washing clothes, for instance) now happens with a few pushes of a button

    • A small robot can vacuum your entire house while you’re out for a walk

    We live in a new, technology-driven world. You carry a small computer in your pocket more powerful than the computer that took men to the moon – at a fraction of the cost.

    Everything technology touches becomes easier, and happens faster.

    Could we, then, use technology to improve our brain, allowing changes…

    ...that were thought to be impossible 
    just a few years ago?

    I’m happy to say that it’s already happening – and you really should be taking advantage of it.

    If you've ever...

    • Quit when you’ve had a setback

    • Procrastinated about doing what you’ve resolved to do

    • Indulged in unhealthy habits you knew were harmful

    • Had a “can-do” attitude suddenly shift to a “never-mind” attitude… was your “out-of-balance” brain 
    that made you do it!

    And, with modern technology, we can easily bring our brain back into balance. And, keep it there. 

    Today, literally with the flip of a switch, you can enlist your brain to help you achieve your goals, and feel the motivation and confidence you need to choose healthy food and other positive lifestyle choices…

    ...and, change your limiting habits to
     the habits of a winner.

    The winning qualities you seek – motivation, perseverance and
    the ability to overcome self-sabotage – are latent qualities of
    your brain!

    And believe me – no matter what your present situation you can have these qualities – and in abundance – with no hard “work,” and in a relatively short period of time.

    To make this life-changing technological boost possible, Centerpointe’s team of neurotechnology sound engineers have created a special collection…

    ...a “suite” of Holosync® audio tracks...

    ...Total Health & Fitness Suite

    This inexpensive brain-enhancing suite includes three downloadable Holosync soundtracks that gently create desirable changes in your brain that will change everything for you.

    Here’s how we accomplish this: As you listen, Holosync® audio technology, masked by pleasant music or environmental sounds,  enhances your prefrontal cortex (your brain’s executive controller) and calms your limbic system (reducing bad decisions and fear-based responses).

    As these brain changes take effect, the negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors that have held you back dissolve, while the winning personal qualities you want and need naturally develop.

    Soon you’ll be be acting purposefully, deciding what will best serve you – and then following through to do it.

    Total Health & Fitness Suite includes
    three powerful soundtracks: 

    Eat, Drink, & Be Healthy

    Eat, Drink, & Be Healthy is your secret weapon to help you lose weight – and keep it off – by easily sticking to a diet that supports your health.

    Everyone knows the importance of eating right. While there are countless diets and ideas about what you should eat or not eat, success really all begins with calming the “I want it now and I don’t care about the consequences” part of your brain (your limbic system).

    When overactive, your limbic system pulls you to do whatever you want, regardless of the future consequences.

    The brain changes created by Eat, Drink, & Be Healthy allow you to overcome the bad ideas generated by an overactive limbic system.

    Once that happens, your rational and forward-looking prefrontal cortex easily and naturally allows you to…

    ...make choices that lead to better decisions,
    better health, and more vitality.

    Listening once or twice a day helps support your healthy intentions to achieve and maintain healthy eating and a healthy weight.

    When the right part of your brain is in charge, you naturally make better decisions.

    Eat, Drink, & Be Healthy offers you a choice of soothing music or gentle ocean waves to mask the Holosync® audio tones, plus affirmations encrypted with Centerpointe’s proprietary Autofonix® “silent messaging” technology.

    These affirmations were specially selected to improve your ability to make healthy choices, calm your limbic system, and stay motivated.

    Click to see the silent affirmations 
    we use in Eat, Drink, & Be Healthy

    Click to see the silent affirmations we use in Eat, Drink & Be Healthy

    Optimal Fitness

    Optimal Fitness helps your brain get “in the zone” where exercise becomes easy and enjoyable.

    When you’re in a flow state, whatever you’re doing is fun and easy. You’re firing on all cylinders.

    Optimal Fitness, then, places you in a flow state while exercising – whether it’s intensive core training, cardio, or simple movement exercises like walking, yoga, or tai chi. 

    Unlike other fitness soundtracks, Optimal Fitness puts your brain into the ideal, energized brain state associated with peak physical performance.

    Optimal Fitness acts as a personal trainer for your brain, always ready when you hit the gym or take a walk around the block.

    Optimal Fitness also features a high-energy musical background to help you stay motivated in your exercise routine and support healthy internal “self talk” around getting and staying fit.

    Positive Mind

    Positive Mind does two things to ensure that your brain is your ally and not your enemy.

    1. By calming your stress-driven limbic system, Positive Mind helps you create and maintain a positive, healthy, and empowering mental state.

    In this purposeful brain state you’ll move past obstacles (including your own self-sabotage) to create a healthy lifestyle filled with energy and vitality.

    2. Positive Mind also triggers the release of feel-good, healthy neurochemicals that support your health, your mood, and slow the aging process.

    Positive Mind is based on the original research done with Holosync by 2014 Nobel Prize nominee, Dr. Vincent Giampapa.

    Positive Mind targets three powerful biomarkers Dr. Giampapa’s research identified as strong impacting well-being and longevity:
    1. Lowering amounts of the destructive stress hormone cortisol
      (by an astounding 46.47%)
    2. Increasing DHEA, an amazing health-protecting hormone produced by your adrenal glands, by a huge 43.77%
    3. Increasing melatonin, an antioxidant even more powerful than vitamin E, and exactly what you NEED for better sleep and rejuvenation, by 97.77%

    Holosync’s ability to enhance these important health and longevity “biomarkers” helps your body function at its peak: vibrant, healthy, and better able to combat disease.

    Click to see the silent affirmations 
    we use in
    Positive Mind

    Click to see the silent affirmations we use in Positive Mind

    Surprise! We’ve added a 4th “bonus” track
    that I know you’ll love…

    Bad Habit Buster

    Whether it’s a weakness for chocolate cake or too much ice cream, that extra glass of wine, smoking, or any number of other behaviors we know are unhealthy, or perhaps even dangerous…

    ...Bad Habit Buster will take your “I want it now” limbic system out of the driver’s seat and put your prefrontal cortex in charge!

    Your choices lead to behaviors, which lead to consequences. Make better choices (which means put the right part of your brain in charge)...

    ...and everything changes.

    And while Holosync® puts the right part of your brain in charge, Bad Habit Buster also uses specially chosen Autofonix® affirmations… replace resistance with easily doing the right thing!

    Click to see the silent affirmations 
    we use in
    Bad Habit Buster

    Click to see the silent affirmations we use in Bad Habit Buster

    “The goal is to increase your ability to respond 
    with choice, rather than just operating 
    automatically and unconsciously.”
    – Bill Harris

    Bad Habit Buster is not available separately. When you purchase the Total Health & Fitness Suite, however, we’ll include it FREE!

    Total Health and Fitness Suite is astonishingly effective and surprisingly affordable.

    Please check out the ultra-low New Year’s launch price.

    As my staff and I have experimented with these four soundtracks over the last few months, they’ve really impressed me. I’ve seen the people who work for me move from the couch to the gym, and from junk food to healthy food…

    ...with enthusiasm instead of dread!

    If you want to make better choices, get yourself in shape, and make “doing the right thing” easy, please get Total Health and Fitness Suite.

    Just click the button, I know you’ll be impressed.

    Be well,